Competitive Grants
Fund for Bogalusa Grant

The Mission
The fund meets the changing human service and economic development needs and opportunities of the Bogalusa area. The fund is interested in funding nonprofits that can demonstrate they have planned projects with respect to the community’s greatest opportunities.
The Fund for Bogalusa was established as a way to enter into partnerships with nonprofit organizations that are committed to and actively involved in building their community through economic development and human services. The Fund believes that communities are strengthened when people see themselves as resources and find successful ways of marshalling their talents and those of local organizations to solve problems.
The maximum award available is $5,000.
How to Apply
Please take the time to fill out all requirements of the application.
Evaluation Process
The Fund for Bogalusa advisors and Northshore Community Foundation Board of Directors determine what organization(s) have demonstrated a commitment to addressing the mission of this grant. In order to be eligible for a grant from the Fund for Bogalusa, the requesting organization must be recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; and the program or project to be funded must be located in the Bogalusa area.
Additional Reporting
If a grant is awarded, the Foundation requires that the funded organization submit both fiscal accounting and narrative reports on the use of its grants and the impact that the grant may have had on the community it serves. Reporting guidelines will be established in the letter of award.