Greg Zelden Foundation

Besides his family, there was no greater passion in Greg Zelden’s life than his love for high school sports and the health of the students that played them. Always with his signature smile, Greg spent thousands of volunteer hours on the sidelines at games, with a protective eye and medical know-how ready to jump into action when needed. Not only did he believe in kids, he believed in the power and importance of having trained professional near-by, just in case.
To honor Greg’s amazing life and create a legacy that would make him very happy, his family and dear friends have created the Greg Zelden Foundation Fund. The formal mission of the fund is to create and promote efforts to enhance access to medical support for amateur athletes in the Northshore Region through education and outreach. What that really means is scholarships to increase the number of trained professionals available on the sidelines in the future. It is our goal to raise $100,000 to ensure availability of the scholarship for many years to come.
If you knew Greg, then he touched your life. Please honor his life by making a contribution in his wonderful memory today.
To learn more about the Greg Zelden Scholarship click HERE to go to our scholarships page.